Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Pizza cooking on 2012 Election Day

My husband and I met two people and cooked Pizza at Prune Kitchen on 2012 Election Day. I prepared dough and tomato sauce ahead. Pizza was the perfect food to cook fast. They are members of my cooking meetup. I was disappointed only two signed up. But it turned out to be very pleasant night. We enjoyed freshly baked pizza and conversation. It was a great way to spend on the Election Day. 

I made pizza dough using Bread machine Pizza dough recipe from Rombauer and Becker version of Joy of cooking book. This is one of my favorite recipe book.
In case that you decided to buy a bread machine to make the pizza dough, here is the simple version of the recipe:
Set Dough cycle on the machine:
Add the flowing ingredients and start the cycle:
2 ½ (3 ¾) Cups of bread flour
½ ( ¾) teaspoon salt
1(1 ½) teaspoon active yeast or ¾ (1) teaspoon quick rising yeast
2(3) teaspoons Olive oil
1 (1 ½) cups water
(Large dough)

Have fun baking pizza.

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